Sometimes, you may have pre-installed a WordPress script on your server and want to delete it. Deleting an automatically installed WordPress on your server is important especially when you want to install PLR blogs from PreMadeNiches.
Here’s how:
1 On your cPanel, go to click “File Manager“. A new window/tab will open.

2 On the “File Manager” page, make sure to click the “public_html” tree.

NOTE: If this is an Add On Domain (additional domain) or a subdomain on your server, you need to click the folder name of that add-on domain.
For instance, if your add-on domain is called “” and the folder name of it is “aviator4u“, you should click the folder name aviator4u to open the files under it.

3 Now, click “Select all” to delete all pre-installed WordPress files. You’ll notice all files under it will be highlighted.

4 Click the “Delete” button. All highlighted files will be deleted.